How To Remove A Radiator To Paint Behind

How To Remove A Radiator To Paint Behind

It's difficult to achieve a professional standard of decoration behind a radiator without full access, to achieve this standard you will need to remove the radiator so you will need the following:

  • Spanner
  • Radiator bleed key,
  • Container to catch the water in
  • Plastic sheet or towel to cover the floor to catch any unwanted spillage.

Image result for removing a radiator

When painting a room, there are often pipes and radiators in the way, or tight gaps and awkward spaces which are difficult to workaround.  

Paint should be put on the wall behind the radiator but is not so easy using the conventional roller or paintbrush. 

You can come across some thin rollers angled brushes, but you may find these are not small enough, the handle is not long enough to get to those hard to reach places.

These areas still usually need the paint to be applied behind them, or between them, otherwise, you can see where the paint colour stops, which can spoil the effect and can make the whole decor look messy and unprofessional.


Step By Step For Removing A Radiator Form The Wall

Step 1 - Shut off the inlet and outlet valves.

Step 2 - Place a container under the radiator connectors. 

Step 3 - Fit the bleed key ready to let in air to control the water flow

Step 4 – Once you have released the nut at one end of radiator above the container and bulk of the water has run out repeat the same at the other end of radiator.

Step 5 - When all the water stops running out fully disconnect both outlets then close the bleed valves.

Step 6 – Gently lift the radiator from the brackets and tile the radiator cover to remove remaining water.

We advise you to be cautious as the water could be black and could stain the floor area especially carpet! 

Step 7 - Then tip your radiator upside down to carry it out of the way, this will prevent any remaining water and drips escaping out of the radiator! 

Step 8 - If you are leaving the radiator for any length of time you need to cap off your thermostatic valve to prevent automatic opening.  You are now ready to decorate!

Once you have painted behind the radiator you have to reverse the process to install the radiator, or if you don’t want to carry out this task you can call out your Plumber!


Why Chose A Retrofit Drop Down Radiator Kit?

This is the ideal time to consider Rotarad the new alternative method of radiator installation.

It enables instant full access without the need to drain down or remove your radiators.

Making it much easier for painting and wallpapering to achieve a professional to find out more read on the blog on “Draining down the radiator -V- Rotarad removal kit”

decorating behind a radiator


Did You Know?

Rotarad kits are currently being used in the Health and care sector over the past 5 years to improve deep cleaning, decorating and maintenance.

The Rotarad product is now available for the public sector to assist in air door quality in the home.

The lack of access has also resulted in the majority of radiators not being cleaned.

This can increase the risk to our wellbeing when using central heating during the winter months from circulated contaminated dust particles see our blog  “How much dust does a radiator give off”

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